Hard Fitness Magazine #52 online

Majutgåvan av magasinet Hard Fitness (”din bästa källa till Fitness, Figure och kvinnlig Bodybuilding”) har på omslaget Heather Skaar, amatörfiguretävlande i USA. Fokus ligger på intervjuer med tävlande samt rapport från Emerald Cup. Anne (den finska forumtjejen med koll) har intervjuat tre favoriter inför Dam-EM i Slovakien i månadsskiftet maj/juni.

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I ledaren berättar Joan Carlos Lopez om Hard Fitness 2010-kalender som kommer att vara klar i slutet på maj. Vid Olympiahelgen kommer den att göra försäljningsdebut i deras monter, där man också kan möta några av modellerna. Se 2009 respektive 2008 års kalender för mer info om upplägget.

Juan fortsätter berätta om sina erfarenheter av internets möjligheter för tävlande och modeller:
So why compete? Why model? Is it worth it? We see competitors and models come and go. They all come in and come out very fast, few last very long. And even those who are very well known are not making much money from the fitness industry. Its very common for newbies and starters to think that this industry is going to make them famous but the number of people looking at this industry and the shows is very minimal.

Competitors and models also forget that the internet is the biggest and best way to market themselves. And best of all its free, the only complication is that the internet is overloaded with content and you have to generate traffic. Printed magazines in the fitness industry are still alive but slowly will die once people adhere to more technology everyday. Also getting published in a magazine will only be on that newsstand for one month and then never to be seen again. The internet provides constant viewing for an unlimited time and free access as well.

If you are a competitor or model and you want to make money off this industry have a plan and use the internet in your advantage. You can compete, be in printed materials, websites, but its really the ability to get views that will make you the end money. Reaching into the mainstream will be something that will be much better.

Many competitors and models don’t have this long term plan spend tons of money and finally get discouraged and stop being in the industry. If this industry can make at least supplemental income then it will be worth staying in it.