Fitness, Figure and Bikini Talk Radio

Showen behandlar fitnessindustrin – då främst tävlingsaspekterna inom fitness och figure. Värdar är Terry och Elaine Goodlad.

More often than not an athletes performance both on stage and in the gym is affected more by their mind than their body. Elite athletes and coaches in most other sports understand this but in our industry very little attention is paid to this very important aspect of an athletes journey to greatness.

Brain State Technologies is less than ten years old but this highly advanced technological approach to enhancing your brain’s performance has proven so effective it’s exploding across America. We invited Dr. Skip Flynn from Brain Training Centers of Florida, a doctor of Clinical Psychology and Certified Addiction counselor, to the show to explain how it all works.Läs fler nyheter om Figure och Fitness hos Du kan även prenumerera på radioshowen som nedladdningsbar podcast via iTunes här.