Anders Johansson tipsar om ett ett videoklipp från ett seminarium den ryska styrkeprofilen Koklyaev höll i Skottland 8 augusti. ”Det är bara att ta av sig hatten, killen är stark! Bla 400 kg mark med bar överkropp!”
City of Glasgow Weightlifting Club presents a strength training seminar by super heavyweight champion and IFSA strongman Mikhail Koklyaev.
- Russian Super Heavy Weightlifting Champion
- Snatch 210kg, C+J 250kg
- World Strongest Man 3rd Place 2005
- IFSA strongman ranked 2nd place
- BW 140kg, height 6ft 4 inches
Demonstration – witness amazing feats of strength in Olympic, power and strength exercises.
Interactive workshop – have the opportunity to find out more about the training involved to become one of the strongest ever human beings.