FLEX Magazine: Klaudia Larson’s biceps routine

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    [http://www.flexonline.com/ FLEX Magazine] har sedan starten 1983 varit byggarblaskan numero uno – du kan [http://www.flexonline.com/subscribe/ starta en prenumeration här]. Nedan ett utdrag från senaste utgåvan:

    EZ-bar preacher curls, 4 sets with 15-8 reps
    Rope curls, 4 sets with 15-8 reps
    Seated hammer curls, 3 sets with 15-8 reps

    NOTES: Swedish bodybuilder [http://www.klaudialarson.org/ Klaudia Larson] finished second in the 2008 Tampa Pro Bodybuilding Weekly Championships. She says her trademark biceps peaks are mostly a genetic gift, and because her bi’s are such strong points, she sometimes skips their weekly workout to focus more on weaker areas. This routine is preceded by two warm-up sets of barbell curls, and then all sets are pyramided.

    Peak? Jorå:

    [https://www.body.se/content/profiler/artikel.asp?CID=2532 [img=http://body.se/images/content/profiler/klaudia_BODY_270.jpg]]
    Foto: Alex Danielsson


    Kort muskelbuk på biceps ger oftast en uttalad peak.

    Arne Persson wrote:
    Kort muskelbuk på biceps ger oftast en uttalad peak.

    kan man ha långa bicepns muskler och ända ha en bra peack?

    makå wrote:
    kan man ha långa bicepns muskler och ända ha en bra peack?

    Jo, tex om man heter Arnold S. och inte Lou Ferrigno…


    jaa.. det där såg ju normalt ut, :emo-thumb

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