Kai Greene: Videoblogg inför Arnold Classic 2009!

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    PathFinder wrote:
    ”one more, one more… thats it, thats it”
    det e iaf vad jag tycker mig höra
    charles glass e inte svensk, och inte hans assistent heller.
    har bytt några ord med båda på gold`s

    hans assistent har nästan alltid en t-shirt där det står
    ”charles glass, when getting big is not enough”

    okej.. då är det jag som hör med fisringen..


    Ny [http://mdtv.musculardevelopment.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=1929&Itemid=218 Video] med Kai Greene…vinnaren av årets Arnold Classic…Victor sägs vara bra.
    Har sett lite nya bilder o filmer på honom och det ser bra ut med linné och byxor.
    Kai visar inte heller så mycket, men Kais ansikte talar om för mig att formen kommer att vara brutal!

    Vad väger han?
    Hade han svimmat?
    Ligger han efter?
    Många frågor…

    Fan vad rykten sprider sig snabbt på nätet! :D

    Jonas Lundberg wrote:
    Ny [http://mdtv.musculardevelopment.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=1929&Itemid=218 Video] med Kai Greene…vinnaren av årets Arnold Classic…Victor sägs vara bra.
    Har sett lite nya bilder o filmer på honom och det ser bra ut med linné och byxor.
    Kai visar inte heller så mycket, men Kais ansikte talar om för mig att formen kommer att vara brutal!

    Vad väger han?
    Hade han svimmat?
    Ligger han efter?
    Många frågor…

    Fan vad rykten sprider sig snabbt på nätet! :D

    Ja han väger troligtvis inte 290lbs som de säger..
    Vi kommer helt klart att se en kai vi inte sätt tidigare, det är jag säker på. Frågan är: Hur mycket har Vic förbättrat sig?? Kommer Vic att träffa formen?
    Om Vic är lite off så kan han hälsa hem:
    GO VIC


    Vilken jobbig snubbe den där Lonnie e, orka höra hans dåliga skämt! Han har säkert mycket makt annars skulle han inte kunna hålla på sådär… Kai borde gjort honom som han gjorde grapefrukten 8) (nu gjorde jag ett dåligt skämt)

    nog_nog wrote:
    Vilken jobbig snubbe den där Lonnie e, orka höra hans dåliga skämt! Han har säkert mycket makt annars skulle han inte kunna hålla på sådär… Kai borde gjort honom som han gjorde grapefrukten 8) (nu gjorde jag ett dåligt skämt)

    du hade iaf en poäng, han va väldigt dryg att lyssna på när han skulle vara världsbäst.

    Riktgit skön: jag vet att du väljer dina ord väl, Kai -just nu håller jag på att motstå en krampning:D


    Kai Greene SPEAKS!
    Shawn Ray

    Friday, February 27th

    Today I had the privilege to sit down with one of the Biggest names in Professional bodybuilding today and get the ”411” on his progress to this year’s Arnold Classic. I asked him some Hard Hitting Questions on the transition of training with a New Trainer, Training at the Mecca, His Body Weight and Predictions on the Arnold Classic and here is what he had to say in a nut shell.

    When asked about what happened in Gold’s Gym earlier this week that had everyone wondering if he had Fainted, Passed Out, Died or had an Ambulance deployed to save him,

    Kai stated, ”Like Arnold, I have thrown up in the gym while training before and I have laid down on the floor after a long hard workout but I did not Faint, Pass Out or Die, as you can plainly see. I train hard and was on very Low Carbs, exhausted. I must have laid on the floor and some over zealous person or concerned individual called 911 or something to that affect I’m not sure. Anyway, I eventually got up and left, the next thing I heard was I had passed out or died but you know Shawn, I have never really listened to rumors and now you know why, they’re usually not true.”

    I then asked him how Old he was and what year he was born?

    His reply was, ”25 and a long time ago!” As you can see, you can ask Kai whatever questions you like and he’ll answer you but on his terms not ours. I later asked him what’s the deal with Charles Glass and Training with him? ”I like Charles, he is a very smart man. I don’t think his style is something I can get used to, he likes a lot of Machines and trains fast which is cool for some athletes, just not me.”

    I then asked him if he is still training under the watchful eye of Charles to which he replied,

    ”No. I am at a point now where I had to make a decision to finish what I started, MY WAY. I needed a bit more than what Charles was providing me on different levels that are hard to articulate, but I learned some lessons I will cherish. However, I have to continue doing what made who I am.”

    I then asked him if his old Trainer, Oscar was in the picture again to which he stated,

    ”YES! I love Oscar he is more than a trainer to me. He is also a mentor and family. He knows my body and my needs better than anyone which is what I realized and missed, so I called him.”

    I asked him what he is weighing right now with a week to go and how much he planned to drop?

    ”I’m doing what I need to do, to get to where I want to be, for me. I will drop a bit more but I am happy where I am at this point and suffering now is what I do like so many other Champion Bodybuilders before and after me.

    I asked Kai if coming to California to train came with any regrets?

    ”No Shawn, coming here was something I needed to do to appreciate what I have back home with my family, friends and people who care about me. I go to the gym and train, then back to the hotel where I sleep on the floor and stare at the ceiling until my next meal or training session.”

    Is it everything you hoped it would be?

    Yes and No. It is kind of like the Wizard of Oz or The Wiz! I traveled this road to California in search of something I thought I needed. When I got here I simply found a Man. Someone no more important to me than people I already had in my life. He wasn’t a Magician or The Almighty but a person like me. I discovered along the way things about myself that I didn’t know were there but in a good way. Now the Mecca or Gold’s may be The Emerald City and my journey similar to Dorothy, the Scarecrow, Lion and the Tin Man, but Charles for all the great things he has done and continues to do is not The Wizard of OZ! While it was a different approach to what I had done in the past regarding Training, I discovered there is no such thing as One Person that can change who I am. I want to be the Best, then I have to take control. Working with Oscar gives me the balance I thought I was missing and for this I am thankful to Charles and grateful for the opportunity that Mr. Blechman, Muscle Meds and TEAM MD have given me while being here.

    My last question was, are we going to see the Best Kai Greene ever at this Arnold Classic to which he replied,

    ”I am certainly doing everything I can to make that happen for my Fans!”

    With that, I let the man do his thing as he was ”Cramping” during the entire Interview.
    In one week, the world awaits the Real Kai Greene!

    S Ray

    [http://mdtv.musculardevelopment.com/content/view/1931/218/ Shawn Ray intervjuar Kai Greene]


    Att Kai gick ifrån Oscar var lite korkat, men nu har han tagit sitt förnuft till fånga och ordningen är återställd.
    Det resultat som Kai och Oskar tillsammans uppvisar har ingen tidigare gjort. Vad dom än gör så har det funkat mycket bra.
    Nu kan man vara lugn…vi får se Kai ”the sliced freak onstage” Greene. :up:

    Han börjar tydligen redan bli torr…haha!


    Nu film med Kai uppe, han filosoferar…inte helt lätt att hänga med, men att han har viljan för det han håller på med, märks ju tydligt!


    Charles Glass Speaks
    Shawn Ray
    March 1st, 2009

    While we are fast approaching the 21st Anniversary of the Arnold Classic a mere week away from now, I had the chance to catch up with one of the most well known Trainers in the World of Bodybuilding, Charles Glass a former Middleweight National Champion and Mr. Universe Winner who dropped a boat load of Wisdom and Knowledge on his view of the Industry and his latest work with Kai Greene:

    SR: Charles, you’ve trained and worked with some great Bodybuilders over the years and have built quite a name for yourself and a good measure of success with these guys, who are they?

    CG: Well, I’ve had the good fortune of working with some of the world’s best in Bodybuilding for sure and it’s been a blast! Guys over the years like, Mike Christian, Flex Wheeler, Chris Cormier, Günter Schlierkamp, Silvio Samuel, Dennis James, Hidetada Yamagishi and most recently, Kai Greene!

    SR: Charles, as of late there has been a lot of Buzz regarding your work with Kai Greene, bring us up to speed from your perspective on how things are coming along?

    CG: Well Shawn, nothing is happening right now or the last week and a half for that matter. Kai came to California weeks ago to work with me. I offered my services and needed to find out how Kai works in the routine he was already using, so I had to observe to some extent before I could make any changes to his routine. Well, it was a bit challenging because Kai has his way of doing things and there was a bit of a disconnect because I think he might have expected me to simply “Take Over” his training which as you know Shawn from watching me work with great athletes over the years is something I do not do. I take their best and try to make them better!

    SR: Rumor has it that your styles might have “Clashed” and he went back to his old trainer and never spoke to you again?

    CG:it is true, I haven’t spoken to Kai in over a week, I don’t know who he is training with but it’s not with me so I wish him well! He arrived in California weighing about 292lbs and when we last met he was around 280lbs, so he was making progress but he may have felt more comfortable getting the weight down without me or finalizing his Contest prep with someone he is more comfortable with.

    SR: I Interviewed Kai and you’re correct, he is working with his Old Trainer, Oscar who flew out here to LA and they are putting the finishing touches on his physique as we conduct this Q&A. Is that a Slap in the face to you?
    CG: No, not at all. Look Shawn I am a very busy and hard working Trainer, I’m at the gym all day, everyday training Clients one after another. Some enjoy the process of our work together, others have their own ideas of what they need and they seek their solutions elsewhere, it’s a Free Country, I wish him well.

    SR: It’s got to hurt to some degree if he didn’t even say good Bye or thank you?

    CG: I’ve come to a place with this venture that I can’t “Expect” anything from someone who talks in Riddles when asked a question. I can’t fix problems when I can’t get straight answers to very important questions. Kai is a hard worker but he needed more than a Trainer. I train my people and turn them loose, with Kai I knew he was here alone, I offered to have him up at the house to eat, do laundry, Cardio etc but he always had a reason not to take the invitations. I live 1 hr from the gym each direction and trust me when I say I was there in the gym Daily and sometimes, I didn’t see him there? When I did toward the end, he was leaving as I was walking in or vice versa.

    SR: In light of the unceremonious depart of Kai from “Camp Glass” how do you think he will fair a week from now?

    CG: Kai is one of the most gifted guys out there! I constantly tried to build up his confidence; he was heavy when he first arrived and I felt he was still heavy when I last saw him. He has a lot of work to do but he can get it done! Kai needed more than what I was offering, I can see that now but I did what I am known for doing which is why my Client base is so deep and full! If Kai feels he needed to come out here to find himself, I’m happy to have been a part of that but there are certain rules we abide by in this industry I think he needs t learn most importantly Communication. He rarely answered his phone, replied to Text messages and so on, so it was hard to get into his head. I think Kai is doing what’s best for Kai and I wish him well.

    SR: How are things coming with Silvio and Dennis James?

    CG:They are both responding well, as you know Silvio has been in shape for weeks! Dennis is Big and Full and will be the best that we’ve seen him in awhile! Out of the 3, Kai had the most work to do in front of him because he was so heavy to begin with. I think they’ll all do great because they are all Champion Bodybuilders!

    In sum, Charles Glass felt Kai’s shy, introverted demeanor limited Charles Glass’s ability to address Kai’s needs. Kai went back to his old mentor because he felt more comfortable with his old trainer. Charles’s said there are no hard feelings between the two. It is not uncommon among elite athletes to switch trainer’s before, during, or after the competition.

    Jonas Lundberg wrote:
    Nu film med Kai uppe, han filosoferar…inte helt lätt att hänga med, men att han har viljan för det han håller på med, märks ju tydligt!

    KAI RULES! Så smarta tankar..


    Anne wrote:
    KAI RULES! Så smarta tankar..


    ja han säger en hel del bra saker faktist!.
    och de om tåtran och nybörjare på gymet, hehe jälvigt roligt! :pop:

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