21-day squatchallenge!

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  • #49363

    Intressant artikel om daglig böjträning!

    Hade jag bara haft tid hade jag lätt gett det 3 veckor!


    …Given that history of everyday squatting, Chris figured if his squat wasn’t going up, then he’d just have to do more squatting until it did. (Can you see why we get along?)

    For 21 days during the month of March, Chris squatted every day.
    No days off. And on some of those days he squatted in the morning, before coming into our club in the evenings for our normal workouts.

    We were all busy doing what my friend Cliff dubbed, ”The Squat Nemesis Program” – which is basically this:

    Squat to a max.
    Drop about 20 to 30% off the bar and squat up to a heavy three (”heavy three” means the heaviest weight you can do without missing) – go up by no more than 5 to 10k at a time!
    Drop about 20 to 30% off of that and do two sets of five with the best form you can muster, trying to come up as fast out of the hole as you possibly can.

    That was what he did five days a week in the evenings.
    Monday, Wednesday, and Friday he did it for back squats. Tuesday/Thursday he did it for front squats. On weekends and mornings he’d front squat (or back squat) to a max, then if he felt like it, he’d do some back-off sets. The back-off sets weren’t done very hard as we were getting in plenty of volume (volume = sets x reps) in the evening sessions.

    This means he squatted to a max AT LEAST seven times per week.

    Nick Horton har även en Q&A på sin blogg då artikeln blivit läst av väldigt många:



    Intressant, känns som att mat och sov frågan blir väldigt viktigt vid en period som denna. Kul dock


    Ja onekligen! Tror dock inte det är helt oöverstigligt ändå!

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