Arnold Amateur Strongman 2010-tråden

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    Gänget bakom [ gruppbloggar om Arnold Sports Festival]. Här är ett nypostat inlägg:

    North American Strongman, Inc., the premiere governing body for amateur strongman athletes, will join forces with The Arnold Sports Festival to present the 2010 Arnold Amateur Strongman. The event will be held Friday, May 5 and Sunday, May 7 at The Greater Columbus Convention Center.

    [img=]The competition will feature a selection of up to 50 amateur strongman athletes from around the world. Ten top amateur strongmen from the United States and Canada are expected to compete, including Texas’s Ryan Bracewell and Dan Harrison of California.

    [ [ Read More About Amateur Strongman] ]

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    NA Strongman’s Dione Wessels Celebrates Amateurs

    Dione Wessels has always modeled a unique perseverance when it came to her desire to participate in sports. As a youngster growing up in Lithia Springs, Georgia, Wessels was a tomboy with a passion for competition. She excelled at athletics throughout elementary and high school and was identified as a top flight track & field competitor by her junior year.


    Wessels’s did so well at sports she elected to try her hand out during try outs for the Lithia High School Football team. The coach quickly instructed the players to ”hit her just like she was a boy.” They did and a humbled Wessels’s returned with a renewed vigor to her track & field training.

    [ [ Read More About Dione Wessels] ]

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    Ett greppstyrkeevent för amatörstrongmen/greppstyrkefantaster är nu också på kartan – [ 1000 dollar per gren står att vinna]:

    The promoters of the Arnold Strongman Classic – which pits the world’s foremost Strongmen against each other in unbelievable tests of pure brute strength – have announced a series of Grip Challenges for 2010 that will allow amateurs to the chance to win up to $1,000.

    “For the past two years we have issued challenges to the audience featuring the 200-plus pound Circus Dumbbell that we use in the Arnold Strongman Classic,” said Dr. Terry Todd, ASC promoter. “These challenges have been so popular that we decided to create a number of truly difficult feats of hand strength as a way to provide even more excitement to the tens of thousands of people who watch the Arnold Strongman Classic every year.”

    The 2010 Mighty Mitts Challenge, with $1,000 going to the winner of each event, will feature:

    • The Jowell Anvil – Named in honor of 20th century strongman George F. Jowett, challengers will be asked to grip a 163-pound anvil by the horn, deadlift and hold it in the air as long as possible. The anvil to be used in the competition was once owned by Jowett, and acquired by Todd from Jowett’s granddaughter.
    • Sorin’s Monster – Richard Sorin, founder and owner of Sorinex Equipment and a legend of hand strength, will produce a circus-type barbell weighing approximately 500 pounds and featuring a two-inch bar. Challengers will attempt to deadlift the bar as many times as possible in 30 seconds using a double-overhand (pronated) grip.
    • Inch By Inch – Named in honor of English strongman legend Thomas Inch, challengers will be asked to deadlift matching Inch Dumbbells (each weighing 172 pounds with a 2.5-inch handle) and walk as far as possible.
    • The Mark Henry Bell – Former Arnold Strongman Classic champ Mark Henry had a dumbbell mad that weighs 300 pounds and has a 2.5-inch handle. Challengers will be asked to simply lift the dumbbell out of its box. The prize money will be split if more than one challenger succeeds, although promoter doubt anybody will be able to complete the feat.
    • The Gama Club – Promoters are considering bringing a massive club that challengers would have to pick up by the small end and lever it into the air on onto their shoulders. “We are not certain we will include this event in 2010 as we want to be sure we have a club that is not totally impossible to lift,” Todd said.

    The winner of each of these challenges will earn $1,000 as well as lasting fame, and his name will be placed on a plaque at the Stark Center for Physical Culture and Sports at the University of Texas.

    During the months between future Arnold Sports Festivals, challengers will be welcome to come to Austin and attempt to match or exceed the accomplishments of our contestants in this new event.

    “It is not necessary for a challenger to attempt all four or five of our events, but no one will be allowed to attempt the challenges without demonstrating that he has at least a chance to succeed,” Todd said.

    Prior to the Arnold Strongman Classic, prospective challengers should send an email to Terry Todd at [] stating their interest and their accomplishments. Some people may be allowed to take part based on what they have provably done in the past, but some will be asked to meet with our officials prior to the challenges and to demonstrate their strength in particular events.

    “We hope these challenges bring out the true Giants of Grip from around North America and well beyond, and that the growing community of grip enthusiasts comes to Columbus to watch what should be an exciting addition to the Arnold Strongman Classic,” Todd said. “Jim Lorimer refers to the Arnold Sports Festival as ‘Strength Heaven’ and in creating these unprecedented grip challenges a new star has


    Wohoo – Danny Andersson från Sverige är en av de 60 tävlande på [ Arnold Amateur Strongman 2010]:

    The Arnold Amateur Strongman Contest will feature more than 60 of the world’s top amateur strongman athletes from 17 countries, including 21 from the United States. All competitors will have to earn their spots through various qualifying competitions or by invitation. Dionne Wessels of North American Strongman Inc., today announced an updated field of competitors:

    Jonathan Pietrolaj (Pennsylvania)
    Brad Ardrey (Ohio)
    Dan Harrison (California)
    Vincent Urbank (Florida)
    Rob Lewis (Colorado)
    Andrew Palmer (Washington)
    Ryan Haas (Pennsylvania)
    Beau Gertz (Colorado)
    Ryan Bracewell (Texas)
    Mike Jenkins (Maryland)
    Doug Madewell (Ohio)
    Dave Mihalov (Connecticut)
    Justin Warren (Connecticut)
    Erik Peterson (California)
    Mike Caruso (North Dakota)
    Lou Costa (Pennsylvania)
    Dave Bourgeois (Massachusetts)
    Tomas Rodriquez (Ohio)
    Adam Scherr (North Carolina)
    Max Pippa (Missouri)
    Jacob Bodi (Wisconsin)

    Scott Cummine
    Paul Rykiert
    Luke Skaarup
    John Moerike
    Paul Vaillancourt
    Shane Church

    Maris Rosentals
    Artis Plivda
    Dainis Zageris

    Miklos Mihajlovic

    Adam Daraz

    Alvidas Brazdzius

    Alexander Mantserov
    Alexey Samsonov
    Yury Kolmakov

    Jeremy Hogg
    Alan Kliese
    Marc Wells

    United Kingdom
    Jonathan Hughes
    Robert Frampton
    kenneth Nowicki

    Paul Carter
    Andy Cairni
    Gert Gorsanov

    Patrik Baboumian

    Jmal Tkeshelashvili

    Krysztof Kacnerski
    Mateusz Ostaszewski
    Micha Kopacki

    Juan Carlos Heredia

    Vitaliy Gerasimov
    Olexsiy Vyshnickiy
    Mykhailo Melnikov

    Danny Andersen

    South Africa
    Rory Scheepers


    Danny visar markformen med 330 & 340 kg i ett par nyliga klipp (via Starkeanders gästbok):




    Kommer det var en klass -105 som Danny ska vara med i?

    Fidde_Mannen wrote:
    Kommer det var en klass -105 som Danny ska vara med i?

    Som jag förstått det är det en öppen amatörklass, så han får nog möta både tuuunga och lååånga grabbar…


    Är det någon som vet hur det gick för svensken inatt då? Som jag har förstått det gick ju 4-5 deltävlingar i strongman igår amerikansk tid

    Catchy wrote:
    Är det någon som vet hur det gick för svensken inatt då? Som jag har förstått det gick ju 4-5 deltävlingar i strongman igår amerikansk tid

    Jag vill också veta :)

    Fel tråd kanske, men är det nån som vet om dom web-sänder bänktävlingen? Hade velat se Svensson göra 800 lbs:up:


    Poundstone är söt:P

    Catchy wrote:
    Är det någon som vet hur det gick för svensken inatt då? Som jag har förstått det gick ju 4-5 deltävlingar i strongman igår amerikansk tid

    Inte bland top-10: []

    T.sundin wrote:
    Fel tråd kanske, men är det nån som vet om dom web-sänder bänktävlingen? Hade velat se Svensson göra 800 lbs:up:

    Inga godkända lyft för Fredrik: []

    Nu ar man so javla forbannad so man skulle vilja slo sonder not. Vi bommade ut oss boda tvo Hirvis po 310 och jag 325 vi hade boda vikterna uppe 2-1 rott. Vi hade varit 1a och 2a om vi fott dom. Nu har man varit en domar lampa fron att vinna VM och en domar lampa fron att vinna Arnolds. Domarna var rabiata genom hela tavlingen 3 godkanda lyft av 30.
    Magnus Branzén wrote:
    Inga godkända lyft för Fredrik: []

    Både han ock hirvis ska ha bommat ut sig. Totalt godkändes 3 av tävlingens 30 lyft :(

    T.sundin wrote:
    Både han ock hirvis ska ha bommat ut sig. Totalt godkändes 3 av tävlingens 30 lyft :( om eländet: []

    In this weekend’s competition, nine of the 18 men who competed bombed out of the meet. Further, only 20% of their attempts were successful (11 out of 54 attempts). Those numbers were even worse than the 2009 meet.

    Individual Event Winners: []

    Overhead Press Medley
    Mike Jenkins, 3 reps in 47.9 seconds. Contestants had 90 seconds to press a 180-pound Slater dumbbell for three reps, a 300-pound axel for two reps and a 330-pound log for one rep. Each implement is cleaned from floor prior to each press.

    Deadlift Medley
    Ryan Bracewell, 9 reps in 40.0 seconds. Contestants had 75 seconds to deadlift a 800-pound frame for two reps, a 650-pound axel for two reps, and a 705-pound bar for as many reps as possible.

    Atlas Stone Over Bar
    Artis Plivda, 9 reps. Contestants had 60 seconds to lift a 380-pound stone over a 52-inch bar for as many reps as possible.

    Yoke and Sandbag Medley
    Mike Jenkins, 18.09 seconds. Contestants had 60 seconds to carry a 900-pound Yoke 60 feet, and return with a 250-pound Sand Bag for 60 feet.

    Log Press
    Mike Caruso, 7 reps. Contestants had 60 seconds to clean and press a 315-pound log for as many repetitions as possible.

    Farmers Medley
    Mike Jenkins, 32.19 seconds. Contestants had 75 seconds to carry a 315-pound Farmer’s Walk 60 feet, a 230-pound Keg 60 feet and then a 275-pound Keg 60 feet.

    Atlas Stone Load
    Brad Ardrey, 28.78 seconds. Contestants had 60 seconds to lift five Atlas Stones that weigh 300, 330, 360, 380 and 410 pounds onto a 54-inch high platform.

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