Global Gossip: Kai Greene training in Venice, not passed out

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    BodySpacebloggen [ Global Gossip] publicerar muskelskvaller från alla världens hörn:

    The super big and hard Kai Greene has been training here at Golds Venice for the past month with Charles Glass. First I was very impressed when I saw Kai just because of his extreme leg size and this is Golds Venice where most people are big. Kai always stays covered up but when I spoke with his trainer Charles Glass he said Kai will be ready for the Arnold. A rummor was going around the other day that Kai had passed out at Golds while training. Let me clear that up for all of you. Kai was back at Golds around 7 pm for his 3rd cardio session when after he finished being so tired he just layed down on the floor to rest. Well some Golds workers saw that and started to text some top bodybuilders saying Kai had passed out. Again Kai layed down on the ground to rest he never passed out after cardio.

    [ Läs hela inlägget på BodySpace här…]

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