Kalina Fitness Cup 2009

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  • #65592

    Lite info om Kalina Fitness Cup som igen startar internationell BF & Fitness season i 2009.

    March 14th at Sophia, Bulgaria; the second edition of the Princess Kalina Cup, will open the European season.

    Princess Kalina, who is the daughter of King Simeon of Bulgaria, named this championship, which is open for international participation of fitness athletes in an event organized by the IFBB in coordination with the Bulgarian Federation and the Ministry of Sport.

    More information and Inspection report to be released very soon.
    A prize-money event with great media and TV coverage. Don’t miss it.´


    Resultat och bilder på KFC 2008 hittar du [http://www.ifbb.com/page_report.php?id=25 HÄR.]

    Miriam Sanchez vann långa klassen och over all i fjol..



    En uppdatering om tävlingen från [http://www.ifbb.com/newsletter/detail.php?id=5421&date=2009-01-16&language=english&prov=index IFBBs senaste nyhetsbrev] (16 januari):


    The second edition of this fitness and bodyfitness female event will take place next March 14th at Sofia, Bulgaria.

    Mauricio Arruda, from the IFBB Headquarters is working with President Patrick Angelov and the Bulgarian Federation, on the second edition of this event that will open the championships season in Europe.

    The best fitness and bodyfitness elite athletes will participate in this attractive championship.

    The same weekend Dr Santonja will receive the Doctor Honoris Cause Degree by the National Sport Academy of Sofia.

    Princess Kalina, daughter of King Simeon of Bulgaria, as IFBB Fitness Adviser is playing an important role in the international promotion of our female sport.


    [http://www.flexonline.com/ FLEX Magazine] (juliutgåvan 2008) hade följande rapport från 2008 års tävling, som hade nära trettio deltagare från nio europeiska länder:

    The fitness category proffered two IFBB World Juniors champions–2006 overall winner Ewelina Barej of Poland and her successor in 2007, Oksana Orobets of Ukraine–as well as Ukraine’s Tetiana Savitska, Bronze medal winner at last year’s European Women Championships. Barej won the routine round, and Savitska took second after battling it our with Orobets, who landed in third.

    Both body fitness classes were dominated by Spanish competitors. In the short class, fitness instructor Yolanda Esteso, who took home bronze at the 2007 World Fitness Championships in Santa Susanna, Spain, unanimously won all three rounds. Second place went to Bulgarian Silviya Avramova, while Icelandic body fitness champion Kristin Kristjansdottir took the third spot, besting two Bulgarian favorites: Vanya Tarkalanova and Nadia Tsvetkova.

    The largest lineup, with 14 competitors, was in the body fitness tall class. Spain’s Miriam Sanchez, who settled for fifth at the 2007 Worlds, took top honors here. Poland’s Katarzyna Kozakiewicz didn’t present a challenge for Sanchez, but she placed second above Ukraine’s Natalia Kuzmyna, who was a semifinalist at the 2007 European Championships. Ljuba Pantovic of Serbia, 2006 World and 2007 European Championships runner-up, finished fourth, ahead of rising Russian body fitness star Natalia Gileva.


    Detta kom i mailen idag:

    Tävlingen är tyvärr inställd, som synes.

    February 13, 2009

    To all EBBF members

    Dear Friends and Colleagues,

    We have the pleasure to host the Princess Kalina Fitness Cup last year. It was held with success and we hope it will become a good tradition as many other famous bodybuilding and fitness tournaments all over the world.

    Unfortunately we must cancel the 2009 year issue of Princess Kalina Fitness Cup due to worldwide known organizational reasons.

    We hope the next 2010 year will bring us less crisis problems and Princess Kalina Fitness Cup will meet again the most beautiful female athletes.

    Please accept our apology for the late information, we had to make some last attempts to save the contest, unfortunately without luck.

    Patrick Angelov



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