Lonnie Teper’s News & Views: Elmoussawi Enters Iron Man Pro

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    Lonnie Teper har täckt bodybuilding och fitness i över 20 år. Följande postades nyss på [http://www.ironmanmagazine.com/blogs/lonnie hans blogg] hos [http://www.ironmanmagazine.com/ Iron Man Magazine]:

    [http://www.ironmanmagazine.com/blogs/lonnie/wp-content/uploads/09-iron-man-2-weeks-out-220.jpg [img=http://www.ironmanmagazine.com/blogs/lonnie/wp-content/uploads/09-iron-man-2-weeks-out-220.jpg]] [http://www.ironmanmagazine.com/blogs/lonnie/wp-content/uploads/09-iron-man-2-weeks-out1-006.jpg[img=http://www.ironmanmagazine.com/blogs/lonnie/wp-content/uploads/09-iron-man-2-weeks-out1-006.jpg]]

    The tough IRON MAN PRO line-up got even tougher recently whenMoe Elmoussawi tossed his hat into the ring. Elmoussawi finished a shocking third last year after placing 14th in 2007; he went on to place ninth in his first Mr. Olympia competition, and was honored as my ”Most Improved” Bodybuilder of the year in my annual awards in a recent ”News and Views” column.

    So, that means last season’s third and fourth place finishers, respectively, Elmoussawi and Silveo Samuel, are back and are, logically, the co-favorites to walk off with the $15, 000 grand prize, correct?

    Not according to Scott Turner. The Scottsdale, Arizona based Turner is a darn good bodybuilder, now, as his third place finish in the Middleweight class at last year’s USA proved. Good enough to be featured as one of my ”Rising Stars” in the April issue of IRON MAN, actually. And, he has good taste in women-Scott’s lady is sexy Diana Tinnelle, who earned her pro card in bodybuilding at the recent Nationals in Atlanta. She broke up with Scott Foster to hook up with Scott Turner. Just an inside joke, fans.

    [http://www.ironmanmagazine.com/blogs/lonnie/wp-content/uploads/785mpf685_samuel.jpg [img=http://www.ironmanmagazine.com/blogs/lonnie/wp-content/uploads/785mpf685_samuel.jpg]]

    But, enough is enough. Now the guy thinks he’s next in line to inherit the Swami’s crown. ”You are going with Silveo or Elmoussawi-and you will have it wrong,” says Turner. ”Mark Dugdale is going to win the IRON MAN. Don’t get me wrong; Silveo gets ripped, and always looks great, and Moe has a lot of muscle and will be in the top five, but Dugdale has better shape than both of them , and will be in great condition. He’s the guy to beat.”

    Interesting. Say Mark, what do you think of Scott’s prediction?

    I like Dugdale, for sure, and think he has a very good shot at landing in the top five, thus qualifying for the Olympia right out of the shoot. However, Turner says I owe him a steak dinner over some imaginary bet he claims I lost to him in the past, so I’m forced into a double or nothing on this one. Okay Scott, I get Samuel, you get Dugdale. You win if Mark places ahead of Silveo; I win if Samuel lands higher in the final placings.

    [http://www.ironmanmagazine.com/blogs/lonnie/wp-content/uploads/374jpg743mpmensfinals.jpg [img=http://www.ironmanmagazine.com/blogs/lonnie/wp-content/uploads/374jpg743mpmensfinals.jpg]]

    Gee, perhaps we should make a double wager. You have Dugdale, I have Moe, same circumstances as above. We’re on! Christina, don’t get ticked off at the Swami, this is purely business. And mostly fun, actually.

    In addition to Christina, and the three Dugdale children (lovely lasses, all of them), there are a few other folks who might not agree with either Scott or me. LikeAhmad Haidar. And Hidetada Yamagishi. And Ronny Rockel. And Marcus Haley. And Eddie Abbew. Well, you get the picture. A terrific line-up, which also includes several top level European stars.

    So, who’s in the show? Check out the up to date list on the site, and get back to me with your thoughts on the Swami-wannabe Swami duel. And, be sure to include your top five while you’re at it. Over, under and out.

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