Sista chansen att Olympiakvala i helgen

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  • #55421

    I samband med en av USAs största fitnessfestivaler (International Sports Spectacular 2010) avhålls denna helg i Detroit, Michigan både proffs- och amatörtävlingar. För proffsen i -202 lbs-klassen och Bikini är det sista chansen att ta sig till årets Olympia Weekend. Top-3 i respektive klass kvalar.

    Isaac Hinds har gjort [ en sammanställning över deltagarna i Bikini]:

    This weekend 15 IFBB Bikini Pros will take the stage in Detroit, Michigan. Three Olympia qualifications are up for grabs and only Jessica Jessie & Bianca Binno are qualified in the line up. Figure Olympia Champ, Davana Medina will make her return to the stage in the new bikini division.

    De anmälda:


    Resultatlistorna hos []:



    [ [img=]]

    ALL PHOTOGRAPHS COURTESY OF ISAAC HINDS[img=]Dina Al-Sabah (Kuwait – 3rd)[img=]Bianca Binno (USA – 7th)[img=]Jessica Clay (USA – 4th)[img=]Nicole Coleman (USA – 15th)[img=]Melissa Frabbiele (USA – 8th)[img=]Janet Harding (USA – 12th)[img=]Jessica Jessie (USA – 6th)[img=]Michelle Lamb (USA – 13th)[img=]Stefanie Lindsay (USA – 11th)[img=]Davanna Medina (USA – 5th)[img=]Christy Merritt (USA – 2nd)[img=]Olah Noemi (Hungary – 1st)[img=]Zara Pineda-Boorder (Canada – 10th)[img=]Kira Rivera (USA – 9th)[img=]Beth White (USA – 14th)

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    [ [img=]]

    ALL PHOTOGRAPHS COURTESY OF ISAAC HINDS[img=]Jimmy Canyon (USA – 17th)[img=]Pedro Barron Cuyas (Mexico – 8th)[img=]Parenthesis Devers (USA – 5th)[img=]Mark Dugdale (USA – 4th)[img=]Edward Duque (Venezuela – 11th)[img=]Myoba Edwards (Canada – 12th)[img=]Daryl Gee (USA – 2nd)[img=]Lawrence Hunt (USA – 6th)[img=]Tricky Jackson (USA – 3rd)[img=]Sean Jenkins (USA – 17th)[img=]Rod Ketchens (USA – 13th)[img=]James Llewellin (England – 9th)[img=]Daron Lytle (USA – 10th)[img=]Jason Marcovici (Canada – 16th)[img=]Luiz Felipe Marinho (Brazil – 14th)[img=]Stan McQuay (USA – 1st)[img=]Jimmy Momany (USA – 17th)[img=]Amit Sapir (Israel – 15th)[img=]Cvetko Stojmenovski (Germany – 7th)

    [ Mer…]

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