How about a stroll in memory lane?

So todays arm day ok. Great. But how about a little bit of my other half in life… My brother. The love of a brother. Mostly everyone has one… And mine, yeah we have our disagreements like EVERYONE ELSE, but we know how to handle each other because at the end of the day LOVE and COMMUNICATION is what holds us strong and firm.
So I must say that this trip I made to San Francisco California this summer in June with my younger brother, was an unforgetable trip! It was the type of trip that all you did was giggle a multiple of times of the day, smiled endlessly, cracked up 24/7, laughed some more, and laughed a whole lot more… so hard you cried!
For those that don't know, my brother and I are only 10 months apart (I'm the oldest!) We grew up together hand in hand. We explored the world as childrenin in many theatrical ways as we grew up. We made mud cakes, people out of brooms & mops, bowled with empty strawberry baskets and an old rubber ball, built cardboard box houses and played endlessly with my dads car tools! Oh and did I forget to mention we pulled our hair too! LOL! We needed no ipads or electronic gadgets to make our childhood one we'd never forget! Til this day, no matter how old we are (29, and him 28) we still play, and die laugh hard when we are together! He is my best friend, my brother, my sister, my mom, my pea in a pod, my PB & Jelly, my partner in crime and my advisor! All in one! How about that?!?!?!?!
* (Brother of mine, if you're reading this, guess what? I FREAKIN LOVE AND MISS YOU A WHOLE LOT! Next time I see you, PLEASE have a Moscatto ready and chilled in the fridge! AND WAIT!!!!! Til I get there!)


This boy… I don't know what I'd do without him!

Laugh is our remedy to all things in our little bubble that we only know…

Brother to the left <3

He supported my "I have to plank everywhere!" planks!!! LOL!
