My Training Regimen

Do you want to get in shape, but never seem to stick to the resolution? Here are some ideas to provide the little nudge you need.
Some tips to keep in mind!
Don't worry if you're not seeing quick results. It normally takes about 8 weeks for results to really kick in visually. Remember, you can't do it all in one sitting. Regular effort, with enthusiasm, is the key!
Your health is your most valuable asset. Politely refuse offers to drive you short distances with a car when you could walk instead.
If you're not used to exercising, it will be hard for the first week or so, to keep yourself from using an elevator. Keep walking and, soon you'll find that you can easily climb those flights of stairs without getting out of breath. Plus, in train stations and the subway, walking has the added benefit –you avoid the crowds– as no-one takes the stairs!
Consider alternative forms of exercise. Biking, indoor climbing, Yoga, Thai-chi, martial arts, etc., will all challenge your muscles in different ways, and provide some fun and variety.
Burn more calories playing than what you get from foods. Counting may help at first, but with regular exercises and 5-6 scheduled meals you will easily stay on track. Regular and moderate meals will keep the "fire" burning!
Every day, make note of all the benefits you can perceive: increased energy, pride and so forth. Make it as long as you can and keep looking for new items.
Don't have enough time for a good workout? Take a walk during your lunch break, do crunches and jumping jacks while watching TV, or pace while talking on the phone… In other words, take every opportunity to exercise.
Play up-beat music to keep the pace and motivate yourself.
Go early to bed, and have plenty of rest on days you exercise. Muscles grow and repair themselves during the -deep- sleep.
Try NOT to exercise in the evening. If you exercise before going to bed, your metabolism is increased, endorphins are released and it will make it much more difficult to fall asleep naturally. If the only time you can exercise is in the evening, try to do it as early as possible before going to bed to allow your body to rest.
You don't necessarily have to pay a trainer to work out with you every week. Gym membership can be helpful because a monetary commitment is likely to motivate you to stick with the regular program. If your gym has group fitness classes, they can help you mix things up a bit.
Believe in yourself.Never give up!

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