To the limits…

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Since having my husband in my life, I've learned lots of fitness knowledge. I've gotten to know my body a whole lot, training methods, how to confuse my muscle to get them cut and tone and all this great stuff about the body and food. I've also learned that I'll simply never know my limits unless I push myself to them. He knew I'd be at a point in this fitness journey of mine where I'd l feel like I'm CRAWLING, FALLING, PUKING, CRYING, BLEEDING, & feeling PAIN.

However, one thing he taught me was not to ever QUIT! Quitting is just not ACCEPTABLE to him and to me as well. At the end of the day, he never gives up on me and for that I can never thank him enough.

Look where its gotten me? To be part of such a great fitness team and clothing brand, Swedish Fitness & Better Bodies!!! I feel so privileged to be part of such a great fitness family, Each and every individual on my team are unique in their own way that there's just not choice but to fall in love with them! Thank you baby for always pushing me to my limits, for without you I wouldn't be who I am today! Love you too pieces my tiger!

P.S. My husband Chris has a great blog where he talks all about the real stuff when it comes to fitness, training and food. Fitness and health runs in his blood I swear!!! I mean, he did get me the body I have, so with that said, he's great to follow! Click below!