Hela Guvernör Schwarzeneggers presentation av Kaliforniens miljöprogram vid ett möte den 26 september 2008 hos Commonwealth Club of California i San Francisco kan du se nedan. Commonwealth Club of California grundades 1903 som en oberoende opolitisk utbildningsorganisation. Dess motto är ”find the truth, and turn it loose in the world”.
In signing a landmark climate change law two years ago, Governor Schwarzenegger put California ahead of the parade to a low-carbon economy. ”The global warming debate is over,” he declared. Public awareness has surged since then, but most of the hard work still lies ahead.
How will California meet its goal of reducing emissions of greenhouse gases 25 percent by 2020? Will offshore oil drilling be resumed? Who will pay for the transition to sustainable energy? Will California’s energy and environmental laws become part of a national plan under a new president?
The governor will provide an update and his vision of the road ahead: