I en ny video på FLEX Online visar Rich Gaspari (som fick smeknamnet The Dragon Slayer av Muscle & Fitness dåvarande chefredaktör Jeff Everson) för The Welsh Dragon, alias Flex Lewis, att den gamle fortfarande kan hänga med det unga gardet:
Rich Gaspari var också stolt mottagare av årets Ben Weider ”Lifetime Achievement Award” för drygt en månad sedan:
On Saturday August 8th 2009, as the bodybuilding community gathered in Tampa, Florida for the annual ”IFBB Pro Bodybuilding Weekly Championships”, the evening included the presentation of the 2nd annual Ben Weider Lifetime Achievement Award.
With the blessing of IFBB Pro League Chairman Jim Manion, this years recipient was Rich Gaspari. A 2004 inductee into Joe Weider’s Bodybuilding Hall of Fame, Gaspari’s achievements on and off stage have helped inspire others, much the same as the man for whom the award was named.