Lyssna till Fitness and Figure Talk Radio

Julie Palmer intervjuas efter andraplatsen i Fitness International, och berättar bland annat om hur hon överkom sin ätstörning.

This week we talk to Julie Palmer who finished in second place at the Fitness International and yet very few people know much about this quiet long time fitness veteran. Julie speaks candidly about her eating disorder, working her way from the bottom to the top, and life with Mike Davies training hundreds of the sports best athletes. Julie is very down to earth and open in this interview, she is a real gem and it was a pleasure listening to her share her perspectives.Läs fler nyheter om Figure och Fitness hos Du kan även prenumerera på radioshowen som nedladdningsbar podcast via iTunes här.

Julie Palmers fria rutin vid Fitness International (HD-version inbäddad nedan, lättare version hos YouTube):