Intense arm workout

I like the feeling of filling up my arm muscles with blood and get a good pump. That's why I prefer to work both the biceps and the triceps muscles together.

This workout really shock start every muscle fiber in the arms. All fibers are subjected to maximum load, both type I and type IIa/IIb. It requires total focus and high intensity and the ability to use two weight sets simultaneously (so Monday night might not be the best choice …) The entire session is implemented in superset form, which means you go straight from one exercise to another without rest longer than it takes to get there.

Arm workout:

Superset 1

Standing biceps curl with rod 3X10-12

Push Down with rope 3×12-15

Superset 2

Cable strain with straight bar 3×15

Narrow bench press 3X8-10

Superset 3

Seated dumbbell bicep curl 3X15

Cable strain behind the head 3×15

Superset 4

Hammer curls (thumbs-up curls) 3×15

Dips 3X15

Finish with 10 minutes of stretching out the muscles again for faster recovery of the arms (which is involved in training every day).

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