My AWESOME weekend of FUN!

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So last week I had a horrible WEAK workout right? Well today it was the complete opposite. I did 5 sets of Hamstrings and 1.5hrs of cardio (+30 mins this morning @ 0630 with the hubby.)

Today at the gym I could have kept going but after 2hrs I had to stop LOL! Too much of anything can be bad! Anyways it could have been 3 reasons of why I had my blood pumping with so much ENERGY and STRENGTH to train.
1 – I had double the amount of breakfast serving (it was my treat day today =D ) So the OATS gave me SUPER WOMAN ENERGY.
2 – My new MUSIC selection…
3 – The Master of World Championships Mrs. Isaksson giving me compliments about my progress =D Aaaaaah! Wonder which one it was!

After that it was on like DONKIE KONG the rest of my cardio!!!! It was a very drenching cardio, lets just put it that way!
Whichever one it was, I think they were all GREAT!!!!!

Well good night my gym freaks! Tomorrow I'll be posting my fun/awesome weekend I had! I'm too tired now =/ Tea time and hubby time!

#talangjakten2013 #ironsport #betterbodies #bikinifitness #luciapokalen #luciapokalen2013 #swedishfitness #swedishfitnessista #ultimatenutrition #nanoxnutraceuticals #gasp #nanox


By the way, have you guys tried the new VANILLA CARAMEL Tea! Its to die for!!!!

Too much excitement going on today and this weekend coming up!

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Had a great bicep workout today! I always make sure I do two of my favorite biceps workouts the old time favorite that everyone does and my "Thumbs up." Those never leave the list of bicep exercises performed every week… These arms gotta look delish!!! Below is a quick clip of what I'm talking about. These are the main exercises that have transformed my arms! Thanks baby! You're my BEST Trainer EVER!

Then I come home from training only to find a love note from my husband <3 He doesn't do so often (WHICH IS PERFECT) because they immediately melt my heart and make my life so much better at the right time of my life. My attitude and soul just lift when I feel a ZOO of love in my stomach! That was much needed from him.

Also we just found out our FITNESS BABE from Sweden CARINA ISAKSSON took GOLD at the Masters World Championships in Mongolia! ROUND OF APPLAUSE TO HER!!!!!

Our monthly Talangjakten meet is up too this Sunday! Everyones excited as the date approximates! Talangjakten crew 2013 will soon join muscle forces once again!
This Sunday I will be attending Anna Virmajoki's seminar in Sundbyberg! And the bikini winner Sandra Solaric will be there too! How cool is that! I will be looking forward on being coached in BIKINI POSING by Anna! She does it so well that girl! Just so EVERYONE KNOWS! The one thing in life I was not made for was POSING! And I'm sure my brother and mom are laughing as they read this! But all my life I've always heard from them when they're taking me a pictures and now my husband Chris too "Adriana, stand up more straight," "lift up your chest," "Sway your back a little," "your too stiff," "be more relaxed and sexy," LOL! My whole life! ITS JUST NON STOP! I'm just not a poser. I get very shy. When I'm on my own taking pics for FB or IG, I feel safe and comfortable in my own little world. Oh but don't let there be people around looking at just me because I literally shrink in embarassment to the size of a cell!!! So I'm looking very forward in going tomorrow! This, this whole posing stuff in bikini fitness, is the one FEAR I will be overcoming. Its a HUGE deal to me. What you will see will be the BEST I could give. I'm sooooo NERVOUS!!!!! I guess 1st time life experiences are always like this though, right? At the end, no matter the placings, no matter if I make it to the finals this end of November, I'm going to be SO EXCITED to say "I did it! I fullfilled a goal of mine in life! Next!!!" LOL!

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I hope my posing gets way better than this! PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE!!!

I have payed the price… (Once again!)

Last time that I got brutally attacked on a training session, I was with Jannika (from FightYourFight) and Fredrik (from reFORM) and my Talangjakten crew. We all trained legs that day. It was so brutal I had to write about it… Y'all remembered right? Sorry. It's just I'm not use to SUCH training! Lol! I'm learning here. It's just been a year so far into this fitness life. But anyways, yesterday we turned course. This time to glutes with Personal Trainer Elizabeth Ivars from Ironsports Gym!
So here's a funny thing. When I first arrived to Sweden, I always seen a trainer @ Ironsports Gym working her clients in such fierce way. She looked very determined and evil look. Lol! The way she would looked at her clients as she trained them was as if she was morphed into their veins and she could feel their blood flow. Yea. She's very deep. I always said to myself, "God forbid the day I have her train me." Then after a couple of hi's, where are you from, conversations we became FB buddies. And then I started seeing picture posts, you know the ones we post about our daily activity and what not, and every time she'd post a picture with her client, they were kinda always thrown half alive on the floor. (See 1st pic below) That for sure guaranteed and sealed my answer as to never have her train me.
Couple months later, an American guy joins the gym. David. Man that poor guy literally faced hell with her! And I started messing around with him by telling Elizabeth "Make him bleed!" And it went on like that for a whole. Soon after I'd go up to Elizabeth as I'd pass by her and whisper "Make them bleed…"
So point of my story now Lol! I'm competing right? Well I needed some rough, fierce, bloody workout in my glute area. Very hard muscle to train let me tell ya. I always did the baby stuff. Just tone it up and that's it. Lately I've been focusing on it… But something was missing… Guess who I turned to? Guess who bled now?
Yea. Me! I payed the price yesterday! I turned to Elizabeth! All I remembered was David. Karma man. Seriously. Lol! No but honestly what I like about Elizabeth is how she is literally almost inside and running through your veins to help you complete your rep. I don't know how I couldn't have done it without her today. But every rep I nearly lost, she was right there not letting me give up! (I'm seriously SUPER DUPER weak in my lower body)
I got a bit frustrated seeing other girls lift like 3-4 times more than I did and that I couldn't lift as much as I thought I had to. However, Elizabeth taught me a whole lot AS I WAS GASPING FOR BREATHE EVERY REP TOO! It's not like she stopped to let me catch my breathe to listen to her school me on this. No! I had to listen as I was dying! Lol! That's what I love about her! So it was all about how I was performing the exercise. Not how much weight I needed to lift. I kinda knew that but still it frustrated me how I thought I was so weak. And it wasn't that I was weak! It was all about the correct weight, the focusing your mind on the right muscle! I guess we can apply the phrase "It's not about quantity, its about quality" here.

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I usually post pics or videos of me doing the actual training but due to the graphic nature of this training, no pics were taken. Oh but here I am with her an hour after she kicked my "rumpa!" I had life and breath in me 😀

You want serious results? Get your "rumpa" to Ironsports Gym Hälla! Find PT Elizabeth Ivars the "Fierce!" and change your life! I know David Stockton did! Excited to try my new glute & hamstring workouts! Thanks Elizabeth! You rock!

Things are getting INTENSE for me…


"No one can defeat me, UNLESS I first defeat myself…"

I gotta tell you guys, competing in fitness in the Winter Season takes a whole lot more of everything. More determination, more mental focus, more energy… Just simply more of EVERYTHING.
pThe weather for my power walks are dimishing lower and lower than 41 degrees everyday now. So getting out of a warm bed and having to get up and layer up to power walk is tough… The risk of getting sick is much more higher. (I come out of the gym with my body on fire and I have to layer up to walk or bike back home on very cold weather, which is beyond uncomfortable.) Its simply hard for me. I'm not use to this weather from were I come from.
And today was extremely hard for me to complete my back session. I asked myself if it could be my diet thats wearing me out? Can it be the weather? What is it? I actually had to borrow straps because my hands were slipping off from my own grip. Made me very upset. This has never happened to me. I don't like that fact that I didn't give it my ALL. I felt very weak today. I'm a bit down about this. However, I'm going to stay positive and active. I'm not saying this because I feel near to giving up. I just feel weak. I felt like saying how I truly feel. I'm human, not super woman. I can get weak at times. However, I'm still strong minded and my will power is much more stronger than my mind.. And I know for a FACT that todays choices will be tomorrows body!

#talangjakten2013 #ironsport #betterbodies #bikinifitness #luciapokalen #luciapokalen2013 #swedishfitness #swedishfitnessista #ultimatenutrition #nanoxnutraceuticals #gasp #nanox

Guess whats new on stands?

Yup! Body's Magazine! Go get yours!
#talangjakten2013 #ironsport #betterbodies #bikinifitness #luciapokalen #luciapokalen2013 #swedishfitness #swedishfitnessista #ultimatenutrition #nanoxnutraceuticals #gasp #nanox


The Beautiful Sandra Solaric…

What you'll find when you tune in to Talangjakten!

The Lovely Ladies!

Our body guards! LOL!

This was one of the funnest photo shoots! Too bad we can't see the rest!

A mix of Shoulders & Triceps…

I had mention I'm on my new training schedule and today I worked out my shoulders and triceps all in one session. As in before I use to dedicate my Saturdays as "Arm day" I'd workout biceps and triceps all in one session.
I'm chaning it up a whole lot as my competitions nears. I'm really trying to confuse the heck out of my muscles to what they were use to. Everyday my mind and body think its going to workout that specific muscle group it had planned but then I start working out a total muscle group and I get a total different pump! Feels great! These new training regimes are really making a difference on the way I'm looking!

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Abs. Obliques.

They coming!

#talangjakten2013 #ironsport #betterbodies #bikinifitness #luciapokalen #luciapokalen2013 #swedishfitness #swedishfitnessista #ultimatenutrition #nanoxnutraceuticals #gasp #nanox



Hi I has a HAT and its PINK! #betterbodies always with me! Ok bye! PW in motion! #swedishfitnessista


Glute & Calf Raises @ Erikslund Ironsport!


Trained my glutes and calves on two new machines I had been wanting to try @ Erikslund Ironsprt!
The first one was the HOIST ROC-IT Dual Action Leg Press. Lets just say IT WORKED ma glutes! Felt it on my hamstrings and lower glute area. With just a little bit of weight and your on to some burning sensations!
I also tried the Standing Calf Raise Machine. I think its great because the machine itself, makes you stand correctly as you should. I see many people standing on the calf machine in an incorrect way. They lock there knees as they're doing the up and down effect. This machine makes you keep your knees bent, as you should… GREAT MACHINE!!!
Then I did my usual cable kicks that I love so much! Had to do those no matter what the gym I'm at.

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